Vintner Discovers 40,000-Year-Old Mammoth Remains In His Wine Cellar
Image shows OeAI archaeologist Hanna Parow-Souchon (right), undated photo. She explained the location of the mammoth bones to the Langenlois City Councillor for Culture Sonja Fragner (centre) and the owner of the wine cellar Andreas Pernestorfer (left). (OeAW-OeAI, Th. Einwoegerer/Newsflash)

Vintner Discovers 40,000-Year-Old Mammoth Remains In His Wine Cellar

An Austrian vintner has made a remarkable discovery after stumbling upon 40,000-year-old mammoth bones while renovating his cellar for the coming harvest. Image shows OeAI archaeologist Hanna Parow-Souchon (right), undated…

 School Trip Hiker Finds 1,600-Year-Old Roman Lamp
Photo shows Yonatan Frankel, 16, from Hod Hasharon, Israel, and the lamp that he found, undated. He made the find in early March, while his school group was breaking for lunch near an old Roman fort along the Scorpions Ascent, a hiking trail in the desert Arava region south of the Dead Sea. (Yoli Schwartz, Israel Antiquities Authority/Newsflash)

 School Trip Hiker Finds 1,600-Year-Old Roman Lamp

A 16-year-old high-school pupil has amazed experts after unearthing a 1,600-year-old Roman oil lamp during a class hike. Photo shows Yonatan Frankel, 16, from Hod Hasharon, Israel, and the lamp…

Archaelogists Unearth 7,000-Year-Old Arms Dump In Israel
Photo shows the ancient slingstones, the earliest evidence of warfare and organized arming in the Southern Levant, and specifically in the area of modern Israel, undated. It is revealed that there was mass production of weapons as long as about 7,200 years ago. (Emil Aladjem, Israel Antiquities Authority/Newsflash)

Archaelogists Unearth 7,000-Year-Old Arms Dump In Israel

Archaeologists in Israel have unearthed the earliest known evidence of war in the region dating back more than 7,000 years. A study of hundreds of sling stones has revealed…

 Archaeologists Uncover Stunning Fossil Footprint Of Giant Bird That Roamed Atlantic Coast Eight Million Years Ago
Picture shows a scientist to examine the footprints found in Caleta de los Loros y Pozo Salado, Argentina, undated. The analysis of the footprints confirmed that its age is 8 million years, belonging to the Late Miocene era in which the dinosaurs were extinct and it was given the scientific name Rionegrina pozosaladensis. (Gobierno de Rio Negro/Newsflash)

 Archaeologists Uncover Stunning Fossil Footprint Of Giant Bird That Roamed Atlantic Coast Eight Million Years Ago

Archaeologists in Argentina have uncovered a stunning fossil footprint of a giant bird that roamed the Atlantic coast about eight million years ago. Picture shows a scientist to examine the…

Rare Roman Gladiator Swords Unearthed In Ancient Arms Cache
Photo shows ancient weapons found in a cave near the Dead Sea in Israel, undated. The ancient weapons were secreted behind a wall of stalactites deep inside the cave in the Judean Desert southeast of Jerusalem sometime in the 2nd or 3rd century A.D. (Israel Antiquities Authority/Newsflash)

Rare Roman Gladiator Swords Unearthed In Ancient Arms Cache

A cache of astonishingly perfectly preserved Roman swords has been unearthed from what scientists believe was once a two-thousand-year-old rebel arms dump. The four swords are said to be…

Ancients Were Cremated With Animals And Favourite Jewellery, Scans Show
Image shows the Late Bronze Age urn, undated photo. It contained human remains when it was found at the city of St. Poelten, Lower Austria State, Austria. (Waltenberger, OeAW, OeAI/Newsflash)

Ancients Were Cremated With Animals And Favourite Jewellery, Scans Show

Astonished scientists investigating Bronze Age burial urns have discovered that ancients were cremated with animals and their jewellery, CT scans carried out by Austrian experts have revealed that ashes…

Scientists Unearth Ancient New Frog Fossil
Picture shows the reconstruction of a new species of prehistoric amphibian, undated. It lived 100,000 years ago, the species inhabited the region during the Pleistocene in San Pedro, Argentina. (Museo Paleontologico Fray Manuel de Torres/Newsflash)

Scientists Unearth Ancient New Frog Fossil

A new species of ancient wide-mouthed frog once prey to caveman hunters 100,000 years ago has been unearthed by scientists in Argentina. Fossil hunters discovered the remains of the…

Astonishing 2,000-Year-Old Mosaic Of Roman Sea God Unearthed
Archeologists uncover a mosaic, in Trevi , Italy, undated. The excavation concentrated on the area of ​​a large domus belonging to people of high social standing, and uncovered several rooms. (Universita degli Studi di Perugia/Newsflash)

Astonishing 2,000-Year-Old Mosaic Of Roman Sea God Unearthed

An ancient Roman mansion abandoned more than 2,000 years ago has been unearthed with an astonishing mosaic of what appears to be an ancient sea god. Archeologists uncover a mosaic,…

Discovery Of Ancient Priest Who Lived In Peru 3,000 Years Ago
Picture shows the remains of a priest that lived 3 thousand years ago in Cajamarca, Peru, undated. The remains found in a funerary context, correspond to the first priestly leaders of the temples of the region. (Ministerio de Cultura/Newsflash)

Discovery Of Ancient Priest Who Lived In Peru 3,000 Years Ago

These pictures show the skeleton of a religious leader in a tomb where he had been laid to rest some 3,000 years ago in what is now northern Peru. Picture…