Rare Roman Gladiator Swords Unearthed In Ancient Arms Cache
Photo shows ancient weapons found in a cave near the Dead Sea in Israel, undated. The ancient weapons were secreted behind a wall of stalactites deep inside the cave in the Judean Desert southeast of Jerusalem sometime in the 2nd or 3rd century A.D. (Israel Antiquities Authority/Newsflash)

Rare Roman Gladiator Swords Unearthed In Ancient Arms Cache

A cache of astonishingly perfectly preserved Roman swords has been unearthed from what scientists believe was once a two-thousand-year-old rebel arms dump. https://filedn.eu/lhVNGNsizwl5t7THnzzJ2c8/Newsflash-AncientRomanSwords-01.mp4 The four swords are said to be…